Sunday, May 24, 2020

Medi Gender And Crime - 1771 Words

Media Gender and Crime GENDER AND JUSTICE Over the many years media has had a tremendous impact on society. Media has been responsible for shaping the culture for generations through music, movies and television. It seems logical that since the media has an influence on society’s norms when the media promotes violence and crime the audiences become more likely to imitate those behaviors. The media has been known to contribute to the violent culture through music, art, television and movies (action, suspense and horror); Movies and music where the dominant violent roles were occupied by men and when they involved women they were often accomplices or accessories to the crime. Although they may be amusing they are also exposing the†¦show more content†¦Bonnie Parker was accused of smuggling her imprisoned lover (Clyde Chestnut Barrow) a gun that allowed them to escape and after his escape the couple took united for a crime spree that consisted of robberies, kidnapping and murders. The crime spree eventually end ed horrible with their death resulting from a storm of gunfire during a police ambush. The idea of committing crime in a loyal devotion to your relation seemed to captivate the American audience and inspire couples across the nation. That story served as the foundation for female criminals. The media romanticized the couple so although their actions were violent and horrifying they were idolized as icons in the criminal culture. The fatal attraction of the outlaw couple led them to be one of the most popular criminal couples of all time. Since that era females role in crime have evolved across the board. Women have become more diverse with their criminal offenses. When woman were first portrayed as criminals in the media their role was often as an accomplice and an accessory, rarely as the primary offender. In recent times woman have took more dominant roles as criminals. The media has come to recognize women participation in numerous crime types. Now it is more common than before for a female to have drug charges, gun charges, assault charges, and even murder charges. Sandra Avila was informally known as â€Å"La Reina del Pacifico† which translated into queen of the Pacific. Sandra was a third generation drug

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